If you have forgotten your SugarCRM admin password or due to any reason, you are not able to login to SugarCRM with admin user. You can simply check the active admin user using SQL query and reset the password with simple SQL query.
Reset WordPress Admin Password via SQL
The first query will fetch show the details of the administrator account based on username. If you only have the email address of admin user. Search user details using the command.
WordPress uses md5 encrypted passwords. The query will change the password for the specified username. You must change new_password with your password and ID with the got ID from above queries.
Reset WordPress Admin Password via phpMyAdmin
You can also connect WordPress database with phpMyAdmin and reset the admin password. Open table wp_users and edit the record of the admin user. Now under the user_pass column, select the MD5 in functions and put plain text password in value section and save it.