Here’s a quick and easy article to help you learn how to do that, explained with easy steps to follow.

1. Enable the Developer Tab

The developer tab is a feature that comes with the Microsoft Excel Workbooks, and it is typically inactive by default. This feature allows the Microsoft Excel users to perform various complex activities including designing forms, creating macros, etc. The developer tab in Microsoft Excel is not active by default. But you can easily enable it yourself.

How to Enable the Developer Tab in Microsoft Excel

Please note that this option will now stay enabled as long as you do not remove it manually or install any Excel updates. If either of those things happens, there is a chance that this tab will disappear and you may have to add it back should you need it.

2. Insert the Checkbox

It is very easy to insert a checkbox in excel using the Developer tab. On the developer tab,

Quick Tips

This comes in very handy when you are creating forms, checklists, project plans, tasks lists, to-do lists, etc. in Excel. You can either keep the default label or choose to change the label of the checkbox or entirely remove it. This can be achieved using the Edit Text option. Right-click on the checkbox and select Edit Text to change or remove the label.

Linking the checkbox to a true or false value in Excel creates an automatic correlation between the check box and the value. Meaning, when the checkbox is checked, the linked cell value is true. When the checkbox is unchecked, the linked cell value is false.

Repeat the above steps for the remaining checkboxes and link C3 with D3, C4 with D4, C5 with D5, and C6 with D6 respectively.

And, Done!

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a checkbox and link it to a cell that automatically generates a true or false value like a pro. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2021 Petite Hubpages Fanatic

How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 32How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 99How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 26How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 6How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 26How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 83How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 29How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 51How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 65How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 87How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 20How to Add a Checkbox in Excel and Automatically Generate a True or False Value in the Linked Cell - 8